Breaking News
Tuesday 2 June 2009

Info Post

simpson For starters, Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho) can read the numbers:

In fact, the American people are well ahead of congressional Democrats in their support for nuclear energy. In a recent survey, fully 74 percent of Americans expressed support for nuclear energy, and with good reason.

Let’s acknowledge that supporting something purely due to poll numbers is not a great practice – people being ruled by passions and all – but in this instance, it allows discussion of the issue without much risk of being pitched out of office – and that’s only to the benefit of nuclear energy.

Simpson sees that not only can it work but has worked (and even nods to the French, a Republican no-no (<:)

France learned long ago that nuclear energy is safe, abundant and cheap. … Using our technology and the political will we lacked, France created a nuclear energy system that keeps the French people reliant upon only themselves for electricity and that ensures stability in their energy sector for decades to come.

And he gets the carbon emission reduction percentages and their implications:

The most recent version of their bill would require 20 percent of our nation's baseload energy sources to come from renewable fuels and energy efficiencies by 2020. Further, the bill would require a 17 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 2005 levels by 2020 and would establish some sort of auction whereby emitters would purchase credits.

And okay, we don’t agree with everything he says:

Republicans support renewable energy. Heck, we all do. But who wants their grandmother's kidney dialysis machine to rely on wind energy on a calm day or solar energy when the sun is not shining? Not me

But in general, we really appreciate that Simpson grasps the issues in so rounded a manner – we’ve charted a lot of off-the-wall Congressional hectoring on the developing energy policy, but Simpson really grasps the potential for nuclear energy going forward.



Here’s a very good discussion on nuclear energy by Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), the ranking member on the energy and natural resources committee. When she talks on these issues, as she is here to President Obama, wise to listen. (warning: runs 20 minutes)

NOTE: Reposted. We made a big boo-boo that kind of wrecked our original point, but the materials still good. Enjoy.


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