Breaking News
Friday 26 June 2009

Info Post

vc53 Today sees the vote in the House on the Clean Energy and Security Act, aka Waxman-Markey aka the climate change bill, likely to be a very near thing on a very tight vote margin. As you might imagine, this is last ditch time for those who want the bill and those who don’t.

Greenpeace says no:

Since the Waxman-Markey bill left the Energy and Commerce committee, yet another fleet of industry lobbyists has weakened the bill even more, and further widened the gap between what Waxman-Markey does and what science demands. As a result, Greenpeace opposes this bill in its current form.

Which sounds to us like Greenpeace’s lobbyists need a good talking-to.

Heritage’s Ben Lieberman says no:

Inflicting economic pain is what this is all about. That is how the ever-tightening emissions targets will be met.

Well, it probably isn’t about inflicting pain. The goal would seem to be to avoid inflicting pain.

The New York Times is going for yes:

The bill has shortcomings. But we believe that it is an important beginning to the urgent task of averting the worst damage from climate change. Approval would show that the United States is ready to lead and would pressure other countries to follow. Rejection could mean more wasted years and more damage to the planet.

Interestingly, the Times looks at the bill on a more global basis. A lot of the no’s see their opposiition more local terms.

The Washington Post tries yes, but:

Even if it passes today, Waxman-Markey is just a first step. With a flood of amendments to the House bill expected today and fierce battles to come in the Senate, the debate over how to design this fundamental shift in the American economy remains wide open.

We should know later today.


North_Carolina_State_University2 North Carolina State University is getting $5.9 million from the U.S. Department of Energy to conduct research on improving nuclear energy production and management.

And why?

“Energy researchers at N.C. State work hard to find more efficient and effective ways to generate and deliver energy to millions of people across the country,” said Louis A. Martin-Vega, dean of the College of Engineering. “These seven nuclear energy research awards are a tribute to the outstanding quality of our engineering faculty and will significantly enhance N.C. State's leadership role in providing solutions to the nation’s energy challenges.”

There are 71 of these grants. We congratulate NCSU and every other research outlet and school that receives them. Story here.


tarmar08 Don Safer is board chairman of the Tennessee Environmental Council. He has a post up at The Tennessean’s blog that is, from first word to last, completely false:

Concerning letter writer Mr. Haupt's comments: Mother Earth will not be thanking us, unless increased genetic mutations, birth defects and cancer are her way of thanking us for the increased radiation on the planet. Radiation causes all of these tragedies.

It’s been awhile since we’ve seen nuclear pushback so bluntly bankrupt of viable arguments. Read and marvel.


(To be fair, TEC is sponsoring a streambank restoration at Jerry Erwin Park in Spring Hill this Saturday. By all means, drop by and help. We’ve done this ourselves, so we can tell you this: you’ll get wet and dirty, but happy and satisfied.)


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