Breaking News
Thursday, 2 June 2005

Info Post
A number of Swedes from around the world are weighing in on the shutdown of Barseback-2 nuclear plant near Malmo. While one Swedish expatriate is applauding the move, others aren't convinced it's the right way to go.

Here's Anna Komheden from Stockholm:
I haven't really made up my mind yet what I think of it.. In a way, it is a decision that has been taken through a democratic process.. but shouldn't such decisions be amendable, as circumstances and scientific "truth" change? Because it isn't clear whether nuclear is that bad compared to if the shutting down of Barseback means that Sweden has to import more coal-produced energy from abroad.
State of the Union seems pretty exercised:
The green party has pushed real hard for this to happen even though the public opinion has turned to favour keeping the nuclear power, back in the 70's people believed that alternative sources of energy would come soon but now we can see that the only option we have to keep us warm in the wintertime is to import electricity from Poland and Russia. . .

So what are we to do now next winter if we don't have our own sources of energy? Will the green party go out and cut down trees so I can be warm? Because I will not freeze and I would rather have the nuclear energy than the Brown coal energy we are stuck with now.
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