But even in a forum like this one, there are still people who stand up for nuclear energy. Here are just a few quotes from the comments section:
I know this will leave you speechless again but nuclear power is one of the safest and cleanest forms of electric generation there is. It's also one of the cheapest only behind Hydro in cost per mwh.Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy, Environment, Energy, Politics, Technology, Economics
The safety record of Nuclear power is near perfect when compared to other types of generation stations such as #2 fuel oil, Natural Gas, coal, and diesel.# # #
The future of Energy in the U.S. (and many other places) will require a balance of traditional "green" renewables; solar, wind, and biomass, and yes, fossil fuels ("clean coal" an oxymoron if ever there was one). It will also require Nuclear, and I feel strongly that Nuclear should be considered "green" for its emissions qualities and ease - yes ease - of disposal of byproducts.# # #
[A]s the technology stands today, in comparison to other natural fuels, nuclear is relatively green. Hamsters in wheels would be the ultimate green energy source, based on renewability, pollution and risk, but they're not feasible.
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