The February issue of Energy Information Digest is now available on the NEI Web site , in the Newsroom . In it, you'll find articles ab...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
The February issue of Energy Information Digest is now available on the NEI Web site , in the Newsroom . In it, you'll find articles ab...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices were mixed to decreasing across the country (see pa...
Blackouts are continuing in Cape Town , but now there seems to be an additional reason outside of bad timing and poor resource planning : So...
He's been named non-executive chairman of AREVA, Inc ., and will focus on U.S. business development. Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , N...
Meet Bob Owens, the Confederate Yankee , who is interviewed in today's edition of the Washington Post . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy ...
More details on the "pay up or freeze" natural gas deal between Russia and Ukraine are beginning to leak out. Here's Jackson...
It occurred to me over the weekend that we haven't been visiting a number of our neighbors in the energy blogosphere, and it's far p...
Just in from Scotland : Unions are heading a drive for new nuclear power stations to be built in Scotland. A resolution calling for the nuc...
Our friend Pat Cleary over at NAM interviewed Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee on a raft of issues related to competitiveness, including energy ...
Today from 2:20 to 3:00 pm U.S. EST, EPRI Vice President Dave Modeen and Arjun Makhijani from IEER will appear on Talk of the Nation'...
Bill Habermeyer , president and CEO of Progress Energy Florida, will retire in May. After retiring from the U.S. Navy as a rear admiral in 1...
From the Sydney Morning Herald : Prime Minister John Howard backed nuclear power for Australia provided it was economically feasible. "...
From the AP : An explosion occurred Friday at a major oil refinery in Buqayq, eastern Saudi Arabia, a Saudi oil official said. The explosion...
Randall Parker took a look at President Bush's activities around energy policy this week, and he's written a review . UPDATE : Jeff...
Readers at tech bulletin board, Slashdot , are discussing the merits of new nuclear build , and they're using an article from Physics To...
Wonder what the next 10 years might look like if America doesn't start building more baseload capacity? Look no further than South Afric...
The latest issue of Nuclear Energy Insight is now available online. In it, you'll find an article on a landmark agreement among Northea...
The folks at Platts have been kind enough to publish the presentations from the nuclear energy conference they hosted last week here in Wa...
Anthony Rogers is thinking out loud about some incidents that took place over the weekend. Technorati tags: Nuclear Power , Electricity , E...
As many of my readers have probably already surmised, I don't confine my writing and commenting on nuclear issues just to NEI Nuclear No...
My colleague Steve Kerekes appeared on CNBC's Power Lunch a few hours ago to debate the merits of new nuclear build with Tyson Slocum o...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices were mixed across the country (see pages 1 & 2)...
A joint energy conference between China and the European Union opened in Shanghai on Monday, and earlier today, Shen Wenquan, deputy chief ...
The effort to license and build new nuclear power plants in the US is now being characterized in racing terms. Market Watch is carrying a...
President Bush is on a week long effort to promote his Advanced Energy Initiative, and he kicked it off Saturday on his weekly radio address...
Recently, I've noticed that in our comment strings that a few folks have started to cut and paste full text articles from daily newspape...
NEI has begun posting an Energy Markets Report (pdf) for readers on our website . This report is an eight page snapshot of what went on in ...
From the San Francisco Chronicle : Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's administration is expected this month to release a plan to combat global...
A number of my NEI colleagues made presentations at the Conference on Public Information Materials Exchange (PIME) this week in Vienna. PIM...
John Swailes is the new vice president and plant manager at Louisiana Energy Services’ (LES) National Enrichment Facility outside Eunice, ...
Joseph Gonyeau has spent thirty years visiting nuclear power plants, and he likes what he sees. He's put together a compilation of all h...
Get your copy by clicking here . Click here to read David Bradish's look at the report's early reference case. Thanks to the Energ...
Since we often point to sources that support the theory of Peak Oil , I thought it was only fair to point to a blog that believes the contra...
Caught between environmental commitments and a need for new sources of baseload power generation, the Ontario Power Authority wants to make...
There's been plenty of talk over the past few days about an announcement that Princeton geology professor emeritus and former Shell geol...
From Xinhua : Half of the Dutch population supports an expansion of nuclear power after a government official indicated the intention to bui...
Just had some sad news passed to me by our Government Affairs staff: Jim Phelan, one-time NEI Vice President of Government Affairs passed aw...
The Platts Nuclear Energy Conference is being held in town this week, and Energy Secretary Sam Bodman delivered an interesting speech : I t...
In a speech this weekend at the Los Alamos National Laboratory , former NRC Chairman Richard Meserve sounded bullish on the future of nuclea...
There were a pair of pieces in yesterday's edition of the San Francisco Chronicle that deserve your attention. Click here to read a pi...
Why is Italy thinking twice about the decision the nation made back in 1987 about the future use of nuclear energy ? One of the main effects...
Click here to visit a new blog following news from the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in Rokkasho Japan . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy ...
There are rumblings that the minority Conservatives, a traditional supporter of nuclear energy in Britain, are re-considering their position...
Marv Fertel, NEI's Chief Nuclear Officer, will be appearing on CNBC's Squawk Box tomorrow morning at 7:10 a.m. U.S. EST. He'll...
Click here for a report from CBS News' Jim Axelrod on the resurgence of the nuclear energy industry. It orignally ran on February 2, bu...
With the aftershocks of the Russian natural gas cutoff to Europe still reverberating around the continent, the EU is looking to make common...
In Washington for a meeting with Energy Secretary Sam Bodman, Turkish Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Hilmi Guler announced that hi...
Just off the wire : The world's nuclear generators in 2005 appear to have matched their record 2004 output, according to Platts Nucleoni...
Courtesy of the people at the Torness Nuclear Power Station in Scotland . Take a look. Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , El...
Yesterday the National Academy of Sciences released a report entitled, Going the Distance? The Safe Transport of Spent Nuclear Fuel and Hig...
The U.S. nuclear industry's refueling outage durations have improved substantially over the past 30 years. In the 80s and early 90s, the...
From RIA Novosti : More nuclear power plants need to be built to avoid the threat of an energy crisis in Russia, the country's top nucle...
The debate continues. From UPI : German Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives are increasingly unhappy with the plan to shut down b...
From the New York Times : Despite opposition from some of their colleagues, 86 evangelical Christian leaders have decided to back a major i...
Glenn Reynolds, the Instapundit , writes in TCS Daily this morning that it's time for America to consider expanding the use of nuclear ...