Breaking News
Thursday, 16 February 2006

Info Post
John Swailes is the new vice president and plant manager at Louisiana Energy Services’ (LES) National Enrichment Facility outside Eunice, N.M. LES will begin construction on the uranium enrichment facility in the fall if it receives an operating license from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which it expects to do this spring.

Arthur Lembo is the new president of SGT LLC, a joint venture between Washington Group International and AREVA’s Framatome ANP to provide services for large compenent replacement projects at nuclear power plants. Lembo formerly was Washington Group’s vice president of power maintenance and modification services.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has appointed Otto Maynard to its Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards. Maynard currently is a consultant to the nuclear and aviation sectors and also is a member of the Safety Review and Audit Board for Cooper Nuclear Station.

The NRC also has named George Malone the new senior resident inspector at the Hope Creek nuclear power plant in Hancocks Bridge, N.J. Replacing him as resident inspector at the Salem nuclear power plant, also in Hancocks Bridge, is Harry Balian. In addition, the NRC named Ted Wingfield the new resident inspector at Hope Creek. Ryan Treadway is the new resident inspector at Oyster Creek in Lacey Township, N.J.

Bill Fehrman will resign as president and CEO of Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) to become senior vice president of MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co., effective April 1, 2006. Fehrman had been with NPPD since 1981 and served as CEO since 2003.

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