Some of Utah's lawmakers argue that nuclear energy is clean, safe and cheap.A couple of days ago, our new friend from Environmental Action, Navin Nayak, said he couldn't understand why folks like us bother to advocate the continued and expanded use of nuclear energy. The above paragraph is one of the reasons why -- because plenty of anti-nuke activists figure if they keep repeating the same lies over and over again then people will begin to believe them.
We disagree with them on the supposedly low level of greenhouse gas emissions released throughout the nuclear fuel cycle...
So, once again, from our archives:
Debunking Arguments on Lifecycle Emissions
NIRS/WISE Fails NEI Data Integrity Test
Revisiting Total Lifecycle Emissions and Nuclear Energy
I'd like to think this would be the last time I have to do something like this, but I think we all know better.
Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Power, Electricity, Environment, Energy, Politics, Technology, Economics
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