Breaking News
Tuesday, 1 August 2006

Info Post
Last week, we checked in on the California ISO. This week, with temperatures in the Midwest now setting records, it would be a good time to check in with the Midwest ISO.

Here's the alert from last night:
MISO is continuing to operate under Directive 42 conservative operations throughout the night. A higher load for Tuesday 8-1-06 is expected. We also expect to be in an EEA1 for Tuesday.
An EEA 1 is a Level 1 Energy Emergency Alert. There are three levels, 1,2, and 3. A Level 1 alert is defined as:
Possible if a control area'’s forecasts for a week or less anticipate conditions where all available resources, including imports, are committed to meet firm load, firm transactions and reserve commitments, and there is concern about sustaining required operating reserves when all possible economic and discretionary actions, including curtailing nonfirm wholesale energy sales, are included in the forecasts.
Stay tuned.

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