Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices were mixed throughout the country last week (see pa...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices were mixed throughout the country last week (see pa...
NEI has written about 10 economic benefits studies so far on 22 U.S. nuclear plants which discuss the contributions the plants make to the...
An Australian blog, Falkayn's Nest , is asking hard questions after reading a study authored by anti-nukes that claims local opposition ...
Patrick Moore is back in Vermont, fighting local anti-nukes over the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant. From the Barrie-Montpelier Times A...
Blogger Pejman Yousefzadeh writing in The American : President Bush’s State of the Union address weighed in heavily on the issue of finding ...
From Bloomberg : British Energy Group Plc, the country's largest power generator, plans to solicit proposals for the construction of new...
From the transcript (MS Word): The climate change debate has made one thing abundantly clear: Global warming is an environmental reality th...
With utilities rushing to secure sites to build new nuclear power plants, Charles Osgood of the CBS Radio Network has taken notice : Right n...
That's the word from today's edition of the Cape Argus . For more PBMR news, visit the Pebble Bed Reactor blog . Technorati tags: Nu...
From IEEE Spectrum : The fact that energy sources and uses are stated in so many different kinds of terms is increasingly seen as not merely...
From NRC : The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission today approved a final rule that enhances its security regulations governing the design ba...
Visit White Nuclear Snowflake . UPDATE: Be sure to visit ST Crowley too. Technorati tags: Nuclear Power , Nuclear Energy , Environment , E...
Legislation in Kansas that includes incentives to build an additional nuclear reactor on the grounds of the Wolf Creek Nuclear Power Plant ,...
Here's an article from yesterday's New York Times that caught my eye. It's by Mark Landler and he's reporting from the Wor...
A couple of weeks back, my colleague David Bradish published a post that cleared away a lot of the smoke that anti-nukes blow to conceal the...
From UPI : A solid majority of U.S. respondents to a UPI-Zogby International poll said they believe nuclear power is safe. Some 27.5 percent...
In Vermont, anti-nukes working to shut down Vermont Yankee probably don't face any tougher opponent than the union brothers of IBEW Loca...
After four days of looking at the nuclear energy industry through the prism of Washington lobbying , MSNBC's last piece of reporting on ...
After reading MSNBC's five-part hit job on the global nuclear industry , Michael at Groovy Green asked this of nuclear energy supporter...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices increased throughout the country last week (see pag...
Over at MSNBC , Mike Stuckey's week-long anti-nuclear energy jihad continues , but it doesn't seem to be having the effect he intend...
Over at the World Economic Forum, Lester Brown is taking his best cheap shot at nuclear energy . Unfortunately for him, my colleague David B...
Today's Columbus Dispatch includes reactions to last night's State of the Union speech from a number of Ohio politicians including ...
Here's a summary of U.S. nuclear plant performances last month: For December 2006, NEI estimates the average net capacity factor reached...
Visit Terra Rosa : The bottom line is this: renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and biofuels will be a huge part of our energy future...
Norris McDonald of the African-American Environmentalist Association attended a briefing at the White House this morning on tonight's S...
Here's Laurie Goodstein from the Toronto Sun : Let’s assume that Al Gore and, in our country, Stephane Dion, Jack Layton, and (very rece...
After reading an article in the San Francisco Chronicle where one Nobel Prize winner endorsed a wide-scale expansion of nuclear energy as ...
Form Kyodo News : Japan and China are considering compiling an action plan by the end of this year for full-fledged cooperation on nuclear p...
Yesterday, MIT released a study that said that America could derive 10% of its energy production from geothermal sources by 2050 -- and it...
From the AP : Although no one currently is planning to build a nuclear plant in Kansas, state lawmakers will consider making that possibilit...
From the Financial Times : Germany’s plan to phase out nuclear energy will make it miss its CO2 emission targets, raise electricity prices, ...
This week at MSNBC , the online news service is running a five-part series on the renaissance of nuclear energy in the U.S. To say the lea...
There's a new NEI advertisement that's running in two editions of Roll Call this week: For a closer look, click here (PDF).
Appearing this morning on C-Span : News Conference Greenhouse Gases U.S. Climate Action Partnership Washington, District of Columbia (United...
The probability of a grand bargain in Canada on nuclear energy and carbon emissions is looking more and more likely every day: As I and oth...
From the Detroit News : Have a good weekend.
Bulgaria's Economy and Energy Minister Roumen Ovcharov said that the country should try to negotiate a way to restart the recently shutd...
From the AP : Gov. Deval Patrick, making good on a campaign pledge, will announce Thursday that Massachusetts will join the nation's fir...
Finland's top nuclear safety regulator thinks so : In the view of Jukka Laaksonen, director-general of Finland's Radiation and Nucl...
From the AP : The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's ability to hire enough workers to manage the expected onslaught of new nuclear reactor...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices were mostly increasing throughout the country last ...
Over at Central Valley IndyMedia , Alan Cheah and Mark Stout were asking questions about the economics of new nuclear build in Fresno . Davi...
That's the word from The Corner . UPDATE : Details here : House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, intent on putting global warming atop the Democra...
Palisades is now the 48th nuclear power plant granted license renewal by the NRC to extend the plant's operating life 20 years. With th...
Some interesting thoughts from our friends Rod Adams and Ruth Sponsler . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Electricity , En...
Earth Day Canada has just started a new blog called Eco Kids . Earlier today, they decided that their topic of the day would be nuclear po...
MSNBC reports In a sign that US electricity companies are recognising that the Democratic-controlled Congress will seek to impose aggressi...
North American Young Generation in Nuclear (NA-YGN) member Chad Sorensen authored an op-ed that appears today in The Tribune of San Luis Ob...
Just got a note from one of my colleagues in the media group: Reports from CQ and The Hill show that there's a 10:30 a.m. news conferen...
It's a debate that sounds a lot like the one in Germany . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Environment , Energy , Poli...
From Mining Exploration : Uranium exploration could begin anew in the southwestern Black Hills, and a uranium mining technique new to South ...
That's the question that Spiegel Online is asking today. Also, be sure to read a companion piece on the global nuclear renaissance . T...
German Prime Minister Angela Merkel seems determined to force her anti-nuclear partners in her coalition government to start providing some ...
From Reuters : Six U.S. senators, including potential 2008 presidential contenders from both major parties, unveiled legislation on Friday t...
Our friends at the World Nuclear Association and the World Nuclear University have combined forces to produce World Nuclear News . From th...
From the Washington Post : John W. Simpson, 92, a Westinghouse executive and electrical engineer who became an early figure in the developme...
From the South Florida Sun-Sentinel : Florida Power & Light Co. plans to announce the site for a proposed nuclear power plant in the sta...