A few bits of news show the nuclear renaissance colliding with the problems besetting the world these days – and demonstrating its value eve...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
A few bits of news show the nuclear renaissance colliding with the problems besetting the world these days – and demonstrating its value eve...
In the unlikely event you've missed it today, The Wall Street Journal has published a special package on Energy and nuclear is the cov...
Credible, dispassionate, informed: Dan Yergin on The Charlie Rose Show , Friday, June 27, 2008. Dr. Daniel Yergin is the Chairman of Cambrid...
We are now on part five in the continuing series that seriously looks at RMI’s latest nuclear bashing paper. RMI tries extremely hard on pag...
According to Caijing magazine, China is considering a revision to its nuclear energy development program: now targeting 5% of total capaci...
Because most of Washington’s television needs are served by local outlets and Washington is not a battleground for the presidential candidat...
Jon Corzine [D], current Governor of New Jersey and former U.S. Senator, appeared earlier today on CNN's American Morning . The intervi...
The History Channel's "Mega Disasters" series ran an episode last night showing the "potential disaster" of trains t...
We expected that nuclear energy policy would be in the mix during this presidential campaign, we just didn't expect it to be so soon. Fr...
David Kreutzer from the Heritage Foundation and Michael Mariotte from NIRS duked it out earlier today on CNBC. Check it out. Hat tip to McEr...
Go away for a few days to a wireless-less island and nuclear goes boffo in the general interest press. (Clearly this is a sign that I should...
Here's their rebuttal to my part two .
Honestly, we like the folks in the environmental movement a lot, even if their more zealous activities can make some of them easy targets f...
Our friends over at the Heritage Foundation have been developing quite an interesting portfolio of papers about nuclear energy over the l...
It looks like we now have a debate over at Gristmill . Check it out. I'll be responding there shortly.
We’re now on our third week of posts seriously looking at Amory Lovins’ and the Rocky Mountain Institute’s latest paper that bashes nuclear ...
Obligatory hat tip to NEI Notes reader Scott for pointing us to this Seattle Times story about GM's plans for its plug-in hybrid vehic...
Here’s the whole transcript . You don’t have to filter it through our observations. As you might expect, McCain addressed the issue du ...
The Denver Post today has an Energy Q&A with Senate candidates, Bob Schaffer (R) and Mark Udall (D). Good news for the nuclear indus...
Senator John McCain, in response to a question, made a curious comment about cap-and-trade yesterday: Sure. I believe in the cap-and-t...
The purchase of a major asset, whether a car or a new power plant, frequently involves a trade off between the purchase price and operating ...
The Guardian has an interesting article about the harder look being taken at microgeneration: British buildings equipped with solar, w...
Over at The Atlantic, Matthew Yglesias takes a look at John McCain’s energy plans. He notes McCain’s refusal to consider subsidizing any fo...
Is there anything more tedious than hearing someone rant about media bias? (Of course there is, but for the sake of this blog post, the answ...
Not all was lost in the Lieberman Warner bill debacle; Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) has publicly stated her support for nuclear energy. From M...