Not all was lost in the Lieberman Warner bill debacle; Sen.
Barbara Boxer (D-CA) has publicly stated her support for nuclear energy. From MSNBC's
Morning Joe on Wednesday,
Scarborough:...Let me ask you, this is one that you may disagree with me on, but France, a [sic] 75% of its energy coming from nuclear power. Europe is moving in that direction and they are doing it because they believe that's the best way to cut carbon emissions. Why can't we figure out a way to safely regulate nuclear power so we could cut all those greenhouse gases overnight?
Boxer: There's no question that nuclear is going to be part of the solution. The thing is, we have got to get an answer to disposing of the waste. That is a big question mark. But I went to France to see what they do and Joe, it's amazing. Because they have no other way to get energy, you are right. They rely on this. They have put the whole power of the government behind the safety question. Here, we don't do that. So i think if you had, if you make sure that it was safe and that we really worked harder to make it safe, it would have more acceptance. But let me say under any scenario we are going to see more nuclear power because it's going to be more cost effective once there is a price on carbon and that's why we need a global warming bill.
The video is available
here. (Nuclear-related comments appear at the 4:20 mark.)
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