Lots of Lieberman-Warner pre-game analysis this weekend: Grist provides a handy overview of the bill and likely amendments, The San Francisco Chronicle identifies the key players, and Environment & Energy Daily ($ub. req'd) projects each Senator's vote. (Interestingly, they still have Sherrod Brown (D-OH) listed as a probable yes, despite his stated opposition in the Cleveland Plain Dealer.)...In anticipation of this week's DOE license application for Yucca Mountain, the Las Vegas Sun looks at the politics behind the project....The Atlantic weighs in on Yucca....In Salon, another contentious cost per kilowatt piece in the general interest press....In its Stock Watch feature, Kiplinger reviews Exelon and likes what it sees....Idaho Power is considering adding a new nuclear plant....Alstom is expanding its manufacturing facilities in India....Speaking of nuclear-related jobs in India, the Tarapur plant is looking to fill 16 recently vacated engineer positions....Mikhail Gorbachev, former president of the Soviet Union and current president of the environmental foundation, the Green Cross, states that we "cannot do without" nuclear energy plants.
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