"As President, I will tap our natural gas reserves, invest in clean coal technology, and find ways to safely harness nuclear power. I...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
"As President, I will tap our natural gas reserves, invest in clean coal technology, and find ways to safely harness nuclear power. I...
Shannon Love over at Chicago Boyz sums it up nicely on why nuclear energy will power the future : ... We need to grow up and accept reality....
Below are some provocative statements from Roy Innis' latest book Energy Keepers-Energy Killers: The New Civil Rights Battle . RedOrbit ...
The economic ripples of the nuclear renaissance become a bit more tidal today as Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal announced a joint ventur...
Rod Adams received this ad from a fellow blogger the other day and posted about it . It is a very straightforward effort by the coal industr...
We sometimes say here that the viability of nuclear energy from a public opinion perspective is ever improving. The reason we say that is ...
Ever since the FDA approved the use of irradiation on leafy greens last week , I've been curious to find out how irradiation works as we...
We don't read USA Today as much as we might - too colorful, ink doesn't adhere to our hands - but a story on coal and Peabody Energy...
We here at Nuclear Notes don't link a lot to the massive resources created by NEI because our purpose is to explore the world of nuclear...
The nice thing about Barack Obama's choice of Joe Biden as his running mate is that the latter ran for president himself this cycle and...
Check out which are cleaner.
Sometimes, you just have to do for yourself, so if you want nuclear power, you build a reactor. The Wall Street Journal's Sam Schnecter...
Here's something you don't ever read about : Nuclear sites are often havens for wildlife, but Britain's Sellafield proved too po...
Here's the link to the 3.5 minute video Scott Peterson was referring to in yesterday's post .
Meet SRI at Good Read .
How cool is this? The government will allow food producers to start zapping fresh spinach and iceberg lettuce with just enough radiation to ...
Recommendation 1: Recognizing that the combination of incentives and competitive market forces in place in Texas resulted in more rapid ...
FOX News, on this evening’s Special Report with Brit Hume, is expected to examine the security of America’s commercial nuclear power plants...
Jerome a Paris has published the same post at several locations making a case that nuclear plants should be financed and owned by the gov...
About as counterintuitive as can be, William Tucker over at the New York Times' Freakonomics blog argues that The China Syndrome was a...
The Maryland Public Television's State Circle program aired a debate last Friday over building a third reactor at the Calvert Cliffs nu...
From the Nuclear Regulatory Commission : The Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s compilation of 2007 nuclear power plant worker doses at U.S. re...
We've welcomed a good number of countries to the nuclear family, enough by now to think we've filled in our entire stamp book (well...
The Society of Environmental Journalists (or SEJ) is an organization whose members "envision an informed society through excellence in...
The Wheeler News Service, a Wisconsin-based wire service, reports on Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty's appearance at U Dub in Madison o...
I don't know about calling it a crisis but over the next ten days, The Economist will be hosting a debate on whether "we can solve...
American Thinker lays out the Gang of Ten's initiatives for developing nuclear energy in the US: A new faction within the US Senate, th...
The reason to pay attention to T. Boone Pickens and his plan to replace natural gas with wind energy so as to divert the natural gas to aut...
If we use breeder reactors, uranium can last for 5 billion years at double current world electricity usage .
Let me put up my usual disclaimer first: I am not against developing and installing wind power or any other renewable source of energy. That...
Meet 12 Degrees of Freedom . Update: Also check out lardbeetle .
While we wouldn’t mind having a few fuel rods in the basement to fulfill all our electricity needs, the likelihood of that happening in the...
One of our astute readers noticed that the Obama ad we posted the other day unfairly dinged McCain for not supporting transport of used n...
Some reflections from the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) : On August 14, 2003, the North American electric grid expe...
In establishing a tripartite national government, the Founding Fathers bequeathed us a very inefficient form of government. Friction betwee...
This claim is a bit bogus in my opinion but Dr. Nina Pierpont in NY is set to publish a book next month that claims "living close to w...
In a meeting with editors from the Keene Sentinel , New Hampshire Senator Judd Gregg (R) had some interesting things to say about nuclear e...
Addressing the Southern Governors' Association on Monday, Virginia Governor Tim Kaine called for southern states to develop a regional...
Well, cheese, yes, and delicious cheese at that, perhaps created with help from electricity generated by the Dominion-owned Kewaunee nuclea...
We already knew from the Democratic debate in Nevada that Barack Obama had no use for Yucca Mountain, but despite this, and John McCain’s su...