Yesterday afternoon, antinuclear activists converged on the North Anna Nuclear Information Center to stage a "sit in" protest of Dominion's plans to build a new reactor at the site.
One of the protestors gives an account of his experience on his blog.
Perhaps they didn't realize that while they were protesting a reactor that hasn't been built, there were two reactors already operating on that site, which have provided safe, clean, and low-cost electricity to Virginia for last 30 years?
These "climate heroes" seem woefully misguided since Virginia needs every bit of non-CO2-emitting energy it can get to meet the demands of a growing population.
Since nuclear technology has proven by far to be the MVP in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, if they really want to be climate heroes, they should try following the example of Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore and *support* new nuclear construction in the U.S.
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