The Institute for 21st Century Energy , an affiliate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, released its Blueprint for Securing America's Ene...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
The Institute for 21st Century Energy , an affiliate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, released its Blueprint for Securing America's Ene...
If everything is timing, now was not the right time for the International Atomic Energy Agency to start a fundraising effort: The Inte...
At a speech to be delivered later this afternoon on the quad of the University of Nevada, Reno campus, Senator Obama has some things to say...
Inching, yes, but given that congress has been otherwise engaged during the last week, we'll take it : The US House of Representat...
People around my age picked up Paul Newman's career somewhere in the seventies, when he was lending his light gravitas to big bucks comm...
Senators Obama and McCain participated in the first of the Presidential debates on Friday night. Although planned to focus on foreign policy...
The Wall Street Journal has a story about Warren Buffett's pending purchase of Constellation Energy and, particularly from our point...
Federal subsidies and their role in promoting our national interests have been debated since the earliest days of our nation . Earlier this ...
A new article in the business section of the New York Times by Matthew L. Wald explores the expansion of nuclear power in the US. In this ...
The states still have to weigh in here, but the Congressional moratorium on offshore drilling is expiring before our eyes (to be more prec...
We have a winner in the British Energy Stakes. Per the BBC , French energy firm EDF has agreed to buy British Energy, the firm which operate...
Well, when anyone operates a first-of-a-kind, multi-billion dollar machine, they're bound to have hiccups. Here's CERN : During comm...
Dr. Roger Bezdek, President of Management Information Services Inc ( MISI ) and a noted expert on energy policy analysis, spoke at the Natio...
Via Tom Toles in today's Washington Post .
With conversations in DC being dominated by the federal bailout of the financial industry, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's visit ...
For years, we have heard opponents of nuclear energy call the Yucca Mountain repository called a “dump”. The tactic of using inaccurate and...
Sponsored by the Nuclear Energy Institute , this group of talented young speakers is set to debut their speaking and media tour next week in...
I can't quite tell how practical this could be since the article makes no mention of the exact cost nor how much quantity is needed per ...
Watching the movements of billionaires is the sport of business pages, and no billionaire is watched more closely than Warren Buffett - wel...
We really do pity politicians on the stump. They either offer endless iterations of the same points - Obama has recycled bits of his conve...
Dr. Patrick Moore, founder of Greenspirit Strategies and a founding member of Greenpeace , hits the cable airwaves today to talk nuclear po...
"Well, who you gonna believe, me or your own eyes?" Chico Marx as "Chicolini", in the 1933 Marx brothers classic, Duck S...
This made us laugh and we thought we'd share it with you. While reading through various commentary of the energy bill passed by the Hous...
Back in April, we first wrote about the possibility of Tri-State Generation building a new nuclear plant in Colorado. In today's Denve...
National Geographic will debut its newest show "World's Toughest Fixes" with an excellent, in-depth look at how the PPL Susq...
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission tends to float a bit above the political fray - you could say it sticks to its knitting, keeps it head do...
NEI's Senior Director of Media Relations, Steve Kerekes, will discuss the " Future of Nuclear Power " today at 12:00 ET on WAM...
Providing a corrective to an Op-ed that ran in the Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune , Marv Fertel, NEI's Executive VP and Chief Nuclea...
Actually, Obama got his questionnaire in a couple of weeks ago, with McCain following this week. But the Scientists and Engineers for Ameri...
Representative Gresham Barrett from South Carolina has put forward an energy plan that greatly favors nuclear energy. The Greenville News...
Leslie Kemeny at the Canberra Times notes that Australia is badly lagging the G8 in its refusal to consider nuclear energy for its energy n...
Nope, Google isn't moving into the online gaming space but they are looking to add a new page to a renewable energy portfolio. The Times...
An article in this morning's Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune , " Nuclear energy is enjoying a renaissance ," looks at the ec...
The New York Times and the Washington Post have both put up editorials on the pending agreement to allow the India and the United States to...
According to report from the IAEA. Per Reuters , Nuclear power production could as much as double by 2030 as countries seek relief from ris...
The Wall Street Journal's Environmental Capital blog today points to a WSJ op-ed by European writer Edgar Gärtner on the link between ...