We heard from Senator McCain and Governor Palin a full endorsement of nuclear energy - it's in in the Republican mix without caveats - McCain even dinged Obama for not being a heartier supporter. (We spotlight the nuclear references in all the speeches a few posts down.)
Senators Obama and Biden, meanwhile, hedged on somewhat amorphous safety issues. We can let you speculate on the reasons for this; we'd guess Democrats are following the lead of the environmental wing of the party, although even that subset has softened considerably on nuclear in the last several years.
But the most striking thing is that all the major candidates voiced support for nuclear energy. This is the year nuclear energy got its long-deserved seat at the post-partisan dinner table (with perhaps no dessert from the Democrats) and no longer has to live in the dusty, locked attic with crazy Uncle Ernie. It's a signal change.
Last week, we pointed you to some ads NEI whipped up for the Democratic Convention version of The National Journal. Well, wouldn't you know - NEI did the same for the Republicans, too. Here's the link. They're the top-most items in the list.
Balloons. Amusingly, some of the floor reporters at last night's Republican National Convention wrap-up got swamped in the things.
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