Breaking News
Wednesday, 4 May 2005

Info Post
Add Half Sigma to our growing list of supporters:
Nearly all new electric plants use natural gas because clean burning natural gas is the only thing that can get approved to be built. But the problem is that the U.S. and Canada have only a finite supply of natural gas that is quickly being used up. The price of natural gas is now at all time highs.

Uranium, on the other hand, is very plentiful, and there’s enough uranium to supply our energy needs for hundreds of years. Even coal (our primary source of electricity) isn’t as plentiful as uranium. Furthermore, uranium is mined in politically stable and friendly countries like Canada and Australia so there’s no fear of the supply being suddenly cut off by an Islamic revolution.

And over at Seeing the Forest, Dave Johnson is pondering some weighty issues as well:
I think we have to do whatever we can to stop putting carbon into the air. Replacing the emissions from cars and coal-or-oil-burning power plants with the fear that used fuel rods might somehow escape their containers 10,000 years from now seems like a fair trade-off. We can spend that time finding out where to put the fuel rods instead of putting carbon and pollutants into the air. And a lot of people would literally breathe a whole lot easier if we stopped dumping car and power plant exhaust into the air as well. And there's that whole war and terrorism problem that comes form the need for oil and the things people do to get it...

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