Here's a summary of U.S. nuclear plant performances last month: For April 2006, NEI estimates the average net capacity factor reached 80...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
Here's a summary of U.S. nuclear plant performances last month: For April 2006, NEI estimates the average net capacity factor reached 80...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices were decreasing in the West and mixed to decreasing...
Meet Tom Faranda . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Energy , Technology , Electricity
Or so says Stephen Aplin of Ottawa . Stop by and see what he has to say. Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Energy , Technol...
News from Australia of a potential breakthrough in uranium enrichment , has set off an interesting discussion on the merits of nuclear energ...
Over in the Detroit News , John Engler, President of the National Association of Manufacturers , made a pitch for expanding the use of nucle...
From Monday's Philadelphia Inquirer : Before President Bush touched down in Pennsylvania Wednesday to promote his nuclear energy policy,...
Alex Marion will fill the newly created role of executive director of nuclear operations and engineering at NEI , effective June 1. He curre...
The latest issue of Nuclear Energy Insight is now available online. In it, you'll find an article on a new Wall Street report that says...
The NEI offices in Washington, D.C. are closed today in observance of today's Holiday. From everyone at NEI, we'd like to urge you ...
Just off the wire from the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee : Media Advisory: Full Committee to Hold June 12 Hearing Who : ...
Visit Freedom for Fission . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Electricity , Environment , Energy
In an interview with the International Policy Network , Andrei Illarionov, a former policy advisor to Russian President Vladimir Putin, says...
Here's Gregg Easterbrook at Slate on some inconsistencies in Al Gore's new documentary, An Inconvenient Truth : Broadly, An Inconve...
Take a look at Supporters of Nuclear Energy . Also, over at Potential Energy , the debate over future nuclear build in the U.K. continues, w...
Senator John McCain is attracting some positive attention from Bloggers courtesy of his speech earlier this week in New Hampshire . Here...
Last year in a post about the uranium supply , my colleague Clifton Farrell briefly mentioned the possibility that thorium could be used to ...
Senator Hillary Clinton gave a speech on energy policy at the National Press Club earlier this week , and in stark comparison to President ...
President Bush made a strong pitch for an expansion of nuclear energy (registration required) in his speech yesterday at Limerick Generatin...
We're still waiting on a press report and a transcript from President Bush's speech on energy policy that he was scheduled to deliv...
In an interview with Steve Chu, director of Lawrence Berkeley Livermore Lab , Michael Kanellos of CNet makes a common mistake about project...
From UPI : With projected energy costs expected to increase by 30 percent by 2025, a U.S. energy public interest group Wednesday recommended...
We've still got a boatload of material to talk about from last week's Nuclear Energy Assembly , but this morning I wanted to point t...
Over at Intellibriefs , we found a transcript of Russian President Vladimir Putin's state of the nation address where he touched on the...
New York Times columnist John Tierney just previewed former Vice President Al Gore's new documentary on global warming (free text here...
From UPI : Designing complex systems such as nuclear reactors for use in space is a complex task, but U.S. scientists have made it easier us...
Senator John McCain was in New Hampshire last night and repeated his call for the expanded use of nuclear energy : The United States needs t...
The battle in the press over the future of nuclear energy in the U.K. continued today, with Robert Davies of AREVA taking to the pages of th...
He'll be at the plant tomorrow to give a speech on energy policy . Stop by here tomorrow for details. Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy ...
In last week's edition of The American Enterprise , columnist William Tucker took a look at how the American South is taking the lead i...
Expect to begin hearing a lot more about pending Yucca Mountain legislation in the coming weeks. Senate Bill 2589 has been introduced to h...
One big piece of news over the weekend was the long-planned demolition of the cooling tower at Trojan Nuclear Power Plant in Oregon . Click...
Here's a recent announcement over at Potential Energy that cheered me: Hello everyone, I'm responsible for moderating the comments ...
Here's another environmentally concious blogger , and a member of Greenpeace, who thinks it's time for more widespread adoption of n...
Meet Steve Schulin . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Electricity , Environment , Energy
Some local reporters are taking advantage of the critical mass of nuclear energy professionals in San Francisco for NEA 2006 to put together...
Earler this week, we told you about Vietnam putting together a financing package to build that nation's first nuclear power plant . Now...
From the AP : GE Energy, which moved its nuclear business from California to Wilmington three years ago, has broken ground here on a plant h...
Click here for the video. Here's the transcript: I am grateful to Tony Earley [chairman and CEO, DTE Energy and chairman of the board,...
Visit Ejecutive . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Electricity , Environment , Energy
...Comes a magazine advertisement for a Bendix research reactor . Thanks to Modern Mechanix for the pointer. Technorati tags: Nuclear Ener...
Out in San Francisco, NEI is holding its annual meeting, the 2006 Nuclear Energy Assembly . Although the general session didn't get unde...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity consumption is expected to increase only slightly in 2006 ...
Vietnam is ready to issue bonds to pay for the construction of that nation's first reactor... Indonesia continues to target 2015 for t...
Aussie Prime Minister John Howard was in Washington this week to talk nuclear energy with top officials of the U.S. Government : "It ma...
As you might expect, U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair's speech last night backing new nuclear build in the U.K. is stoking conversation ...
We've already introduced you to John Wheeler, host of This Week in Nuclear . Now, take a listen to The Atomic Show . Technorati tags: N...
Some may say that U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair is only counting the days before he leaves 10 Downing Street, but that's not the case w...