Breaking News
Friday 9 September 2005

Info Post
Back in August, we told you about how interns from ABC news attempted to breach security at a number of nuclear test reactors around the country as part of an upcoming story on 20/20. Word has been passed to us that due to coverage of Hurricane Katrina, the story has been moved back to sometime in October. If and when it gets rescheduled, look for a heads up here.

Also, we should probably point out that ABC News has bent the law before when it comes to getting a story:
[T]he network's PrimeTime Thursday program shipped the stuff from Jakarta to Los Angeles aboard the Charlotte Maersk to prove the inadequacies of U.S. security, suppressing the material's radioactive signature by encasing it inside a lead and steel jacket. The purpose of the stunt was to prove that the undetected package could have just as easily contained a nuclear bomb and that homeland security is a joke.

Shipping depleted uranium breaks no law, but failing to accurately declare the contents of a shipment into the United States does, and a Homeland Security Department spokesman tells the Post the Justice Department is looking into the matter.
We'll stay on the story, so stay tuned.

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