Breaking News
Thursday 22 September 2005

Info Post
Terry Vogel of Pittston, Maine has a bone to pick with environmentalists, as he outlined in a letter to the editor in the Kennebec Journal:
Let's hear it for the nuclear power opponents who supposedly caused the shutdown of Maine's only nuclear power plant. They can be proud that the electric rates are rising and the fossil fuels are being depleted faster than ever.

According to them, we can be safer while freezing in the dark -- well, at least those who cannot afford to pay for higher electricity and fuel bills.

They sure have saved us all.

Where are those brave souls now who fought the big bad nuclear evil? Are they standing up and taking credit or just hiding?

They certainly do not seem to have answers for the current situation. They have not offered to help offset the costs they have caused.

I would like to see a few of them respond with workable and affordable alternatives -- the key words being workable and affordable.
Well, we know where at least one of those environmentalists is -- he's just working on our side now.

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