After reading about how cooking fires fueled by wood are contributing mightily to global warming , Responsible Nanotechnology had this to s...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
After reading about how cooking fires fueled by wood are contributing mightily to global warming , Responsible Nanotechnology had this to s...
Visit Path is the Happiness . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Electricity , Environment , Energy , Politics , Technology ,...
Some bloggers from the Competitive Enterprise Institute were at the Society of Environmental Journalists conference in Vermont last week, ...
The video from the C-SPAN interview with Dale Klein we told you about last week has finally been posted. Click here for the Newsmakers ar...
We've gotten word that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission will announce the issuance of a license renewal for two nuclear reactors someti...
The October issue of Energy Information Digest (PDF) is now available on the NEI Web site , in the Newsroom . In it, you'll find articl...
In an column positing that environmentalism can become the new glue to cement the traditional alliance between Europe and America , Tom Frie...
Here's a good overview piece on the return of nuclear power from the Financial Times . There's not a lot here that we haven't s...
Here's Daniel Kaizer from Czech Business Weekly , on Czech Prime Minister's Vaclav Klaus' recent support for expanded use of nu...
Nashville in the 21st Century is reprinting excerpts from Rep. Harold Ford's (D-TN) book, Tomorrow's Patriots . The following pass...
Hello from Burlington! I'm at the Society of Environmental Journalists Conference with Melanie Lyons, NEI media relations manager. This...
Later today, Dr. Patrick Moore of the CASEnergy Coalition will take part in a panel discussion sponsored by the Society of Environmental Jo...
The influential blogger at Captain's Quarters , Ed Morrissey, posted a very strong endorsement for nuclear power as a way to reduce our...
Following up on David Bradish's post from the other day , our colleague Mitch Singer has produced a point by point rebuttal of the Grace...
Thanks to my NEI colleague Donn Salvosa passing along the following exchange between Larry Kudlow and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi...
From Mining Weekly (South Africa): “The PBMR is one of three reactor designs that we want to offer to clients as our developmental reactors...
Here's Katherine Booth from the Yale Daily News : Environmentalism is a great idea, up to a point. Let's run our buses on used cooki...
Well, not exactly, but that's the import of the international anti-nuke crusaders plea to the Romanian government not to build new nucle...
Just got a note from Peter Gowin at IAEA : I am pleased to announce the new website of the INIS & Nuclear Knowledge Management Section. ...
At 1 p.m. this afternoon, Grace Energy Initiative released a document titled “False Promises: Debunking Nuclear Industry Propaganda,” in wh...
Visit Seeing the Forest for the Trees : I believe the problem of where to put nuclear waste pales in comparison to what we face - and what w...
There was an NRC public meeting last week in Waynesboro, Georgia to gather comments regarding Southern Nuclear’s proposed expansion of Plan...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices mostly increased throughout the country again last ...
From Business Week : The EU on Tuesday approved French plans to build a new atomic power reactor expected to be a model for the next generat...
From Reuters : Leading electricity companies from around the world on Tuesday issued a report urging governments to adopt new sustainable en...
Now that Amory Lovins has had his say in the pages of the Toronto Star , AECL President and CEO Robert Van Adel is firing back today in a l...
We haven't heard much from our friends at Energy from Thorium lately, but this interview from Newsweek with Seth Grae , board member a...
After giving an interview with the Toronto Star , Amory Lovins of the Rocky Mountain Institute is starting to kick up some dust again. And...
Sunday's edition of Newsmakers on C-SPAN featured an interview with NRC Chairman Dale Klein. Though video of the interview is not yet ...
Reacting to last week's NERC report on grid reliability in North America, the Mobile Press Register had this to say : Among the energy...
Our friend Alan Smith from Entergy sends along the following news from Mississippi: Volunteers from the Mississippi Section of the American ...
Released by NRC very late last Friday afternoon: Commissioner Jeffrey S. Merrifield, one of five members of the United States Nuclear Regul...
Visit Advanced Nanotechnology . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Electricity , Environment , Energy , Politics , Technology...
The seminar at the American Enterprise Institute that I covered a few weeks back, " Is Nuclear Power a Solution to Climate Change and ...
German Prime Minister Angela Merkel is taking the gloves off when it comes to the phase-out of nuclear energy in her country : In a speech t...
One ancillary benefit of the bull market in uranium: New jobs. Here's Strathmore Minerals President David Miller from a Q&A he did...
My friend Pat Cleary over at NAM Blog picked up on Vaclav Klaus' endorsement of nuclear energy this morning. Check it out. Technorati...
The most terrifying vision of nuclear power from the ‘70’s was the image of the self-melting radioactive lava from a former reactor core eat...
From today's Dallas Morning News : Larry Makovich, managing director for consulting group Cambridge Energy Research Associates, said th...
We knew it was only a matter of time before the anti-nukes started some high-profile organizing to fight the resurgence in nuclear energy. ...
Over at Singapore Angle , Speranza Nuova is asking just that question. Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Electricity , Envir...
Responding to a recent column by Tom Friedman in the New York Times regarding the political opportunity that lies in promoting energy indep...
Czech Republic President Vaclav Klaus tried to send a message about energy independence to the rest of Europe during a press conference ear...
Visit Hard at Wonk . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Electricity , Environment , Energy , Technology , Politics
I’m sure by now many readers are getting tired of reading about Dr. Caldicott and her latest book “ Nuclear Power is Not the Answer .” So if...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices mostly increased throughout the country last week (...