Volunteers from the Mississippi Section of the American Nuclear Society and U.S. Women in Nuclear presented information about nuclear science and technology to educators at the Mississippi Science Teachers Association's 2006 Convention (Pictured here are Undree Wells and Scott Stanchfield of ANS). Over 450 science teachers attended the October 23-24th event in Jackson, Mississippi. In a break-out session, a presentation entitled "Nuclear Science and Technology -- In the Classroom Around the World" was made to inform teachers about available classroom resources as well as careers in the nuclear industry. Hands-on demonstrations were used to provide examples of classroom activities available to educators.Thanks to everyone from ANS and U.S. WIN for participating. Getting a new generation of students interested in nuclear technologies is critical if we're going to build new plants and keep the current fleet operating safely and efficiently, and making sure their teachers are up to speed on the latest is a critical element of that effort.
Volunteers at the event included Bill Bird, Mark Eckenrode, Thomas Hallmark, Jean Kinnard, Alan Smith, Scott Stanchfield, Charles Turk, Undree Wells, Latrecia Lewis and Fatma Yilmaz.
Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Power, Electricity, Environment, Energy, Politics, Technology, Economics, ANS, U.S. WIN
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