Here's the passage from tonight's State of the Union address that dealt with energy policy: Keeping America competitive requires af...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
Here's the passage from tonight's State of the Union address that dealt with energy policy: Keeping America competitive requires af...
In a post about the energy policy proposals that may be in tonight's State of the Union address, Dean Armstrong had this to say: There ...
The World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO)'s mission is To maximise the safety and reliability of the operation of nuclear powe...
From the Associated Press and Pajamas Media : Iran started exports of natural gas to Georgia on Monday in answer to Tbilisi's appeal for...
Click here for a pointed, but civil, debate on nuclear energy and renewables between Dave Erickson and James Aach over at Re/Action on Clim...
Over at Newsweek 's international edition, the magazine is taking a broad look at the global resurgence of nuclear energy and the reason...
Mac Johnson has some thoughts about America's default energy policy. Thanks to Marc Comtois for the pointer. Technorati tags: Nuclear...
Our friends at NRECA have started a new blog, Amped Up . Check it out. Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Electricity , Env...
Today's must-read comes from yesterday's edition of The Washington Post, where former Director of the CIA John Deutch and former Un...
Virginia's Matt Schor has a message for the supporters of the Kyoto Protocol: I'd support an international treaty for greenhouse em...
In today's edition of the Guardian (U.K.): Surrounded by some of the world's roughest seas, Britain could generate a fifth of its e...
We don't spend a lot of time on nonproliferation issues here at NEI Nuclear Notes , though that may change. In the interim, stop by Nucl...
Georgia Power and Southern Nuclear Operating Company announced today the companies are pursuing the Westinghouse AP1000 as the nuclear re...
Our friend John Wheeler has produced Episode 5 and Episode 6 of the This Week in Nuclear podcast. Give him a listen. Technorati tags: Nu...
We've been writing plenty about Russia and its natural gas supplies over the past few weeks. Even though that nation has the largest pro...
Meet Anthony Kendall . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Electricity , Environment , Energy , Politics , Technology , Econom...
Hitachi has developed an interesting application for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology in the nuclear industry . With the RF...
There's plenty of reaction to yesterday's news concerning the Bush Administration proposal for the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership...
Visit Dvorak Uncensored . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Environment , Energy , Politics , Technology , Economics
From today's Wall Street Journal (free feature): The Bush administration plans to announce a $250 million initiative to reprocess spent...
From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette : Apparently feeling good about its prospects under Japanese ownership, Monroeville-based Westinghouse Elec...
Meet Ken Inman . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Environment , Energy , Politics , Technology , Economics
NEI Nuclear Notes will be going offline briefly at about 7:00 p.m. EST so the folks at Blogger can get something fixed. They say the outage...
Remember the anti-nuclear ad Greenpeace U.K. released a few weeks ago? U.K. blogger David Trent wasn't amused either. Technorati tags...
Check out Pharmacy and Compendium . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Environment , Energy , Politics , Technology , Econom...
I know I'm beginning to sound like a broken record, but there's another public opinion poll getting some play today that probably do...
Meet Pat McGuinnes . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Environment , Energy , Politics , Technology , Economics
Yesterday at NPR , David Kestenbaum did a short report on legislation moving through Congress that would result in the U.S. government ...
Here's an informative overview from Business Week . Technorati tags: Energy , Politics , Economics , Oil , China , Toshiba , Westinghous...
Across Europe, the temperatures keep dropping , and Ukraine keeps diverting natural gas supplies meant for other customers in other nations...
I'd like to remind our readers that our comment strings are made available to debate facts and opinion, and not to make personal attacks...
Nuclear Energy Insight, NEI’s monthly newsletter, has a new Web page for the new year. The page, , features articles fro...
Here's U.S. Senator John McCain from a Sunday morning interview he did with Fox News : And the second lesson we should have learned fro...
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards has re-elected Graham Wallis as chairman, William Shack as vi...
Progress Energy just announced it will prepare a combined construction and operating license (COL) for its Harris Nuclear Plant, southwest ...
Oh, Lisa, I agree with almost everything you just said , but I'll come back to that later... As Lisa did a good job blogging here , NBC ...
When I first decided to pursue a degree in nuclear engineering, my mom said to me, “Lisa, you realize this means we will never have a meanin...
Guess that nuclear accident storyline didn't help : The new president on "The West Wing" will be a real short-timer: NBC ann...
Thanks to my colleague Mary Quillian, I was able to find the following draft decision that was issued late last week by the California Publ...
Couldn't help but notice this item this morning: Crystal Wosik, the first Miss Nevada to preside over a Miss America pageant held in th...
Just a friendly reminder that the episode of the West Wing that deals with a nuclear accident at a fictional California nuclear power plant...
Meet Robert Synott . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Environment , Energy , Politics , Technology , Economics
In case you missed it last night, click here for video from the first round of last night's episode of Jeopardy! , which contained a ca...
A few weeks ago, we told you about a poll commissioned by the Guardian (U.K.) that claimed a majority of Britons opposed the expansion of n...
We've been passed an e-mail summary of Friday night's Long Now debate on climate change and nuclear energy that was authored by Ste...
Cameco Corp. 's newest board member is John Clappison . Clappison recently retired as the managing partner of the Toronto office of Pric...
Victor Davis Hanson says it's time for the left and right in American politics to meet in the middle and do something about America...
Scientist and climate expert James Lovelock, who has been warning for the past two years that the world must turn toward nuclear energy in ...
U.K. labor leader Derek Simpson is getting his union ready to put its weight behind new nuclear build : "The debate on the energy crisi...
Writing in the Weekly Standard , Daniel Twining, a fellow with the German Marshall Fund of the United States , has a warning for countries t...