Breaking News
Tuesday, 31 January 2006

Info Post
From the Associated Press and Pajamas Media:
Iran started exports of natural gas to Georgia on Monday in answer to Tbilisi's appeal for help for its severe energy shortage, and Georgia's president vowed to reduce his U.S.-allied nation's energy dependence on Russia.

Mysterious explosions Jan. 22 on the Russian pipeline network that transports gas into Georgia cut off supplies to the ex-Soviet Caucacus Mountain state, leaving millions of Georgians shivering in their homes in bitterly cold temperatures...

Georgia has accused Russia of waging an energy blockade in retaliation for its government's pro-Western policies. Although Russian gas supplies resumed gradually Sunday, Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili promised in a televised address to the nation that Georgia would diversify its energy imports.

"We are working to ensure that next winter, Russia's share of energy supplies in Georgia will drop significantly," he said.
Thanks to Instapundit for the pointer.

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