We’re going to speed things up in this post and hit the next three chapters. The main reason is because chapters 7 and 8 deal primarily with...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
We’re going to speed things up in this post and hit the next three chapters. The main reason is because chapters 7 and 8 deal primarily with...
Since we are only on chapter four out of 10 chapters I’m going to speed things up and do two chapters for each post. Chapter 4 – Accidental ...
As I was looking through my notes from Helen Caldicott's book-signing last night, I remembered how many times she said the nuclear indus...
David Bradish and I attended Helen Caldicott's book signing last night in Washington, DC at Busboys and Poets (I'm not Zagat, but I...
Here's a summary of U.S. nuclear plant performances last month: For August 2006, NEI estimates the average net capacity factor reached 9...
Chapter 3 – Nuclear Power, Radiation and Disease This chapter appears to be where Dr. Caldicott spent the most time writing her book. Caldic...
Sen. Pete Domenici (R-N.M.) today introduced legislation designed to enhance the management and disposal of used nuclear fuel from commercia...
The Energy Information Administration recently released an Advance Summary of U.S. Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Natural Gas Liquids Reserves...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices were again mostly decreasing throughout the country...
Chapter Two – Paying for Nuclear Energy Caldicott, p. 19: The nuclear industry myth says that nuclear power costs only 1.7 cents per kilowat...
Since I'm not doing engineering work on a day-to-day basis anymore, sometimes I don't hear about what kind of cool research is going...
During the course of this week I plan to tackle each chapter of Dr. Caldicott’s book and battle the claims made against the nuclear industr...
Kristen Nelson at 20/20 Energy makes a good point , and Dr. Helen Caldicott should take notice as she tours the country with her new book, ...
The Ottawa Business Journal reports that ... Ontario Power Generation has taken the first step toward construction of a new nuclear generat...
In anticipation of the separation of its gas and electric operations into two stand-alone companies, Duke Energy has named the future execu...
While we tend to focus here on commercial power, we shouldn't forget to mention other beneficial uses of nuclear science and technology....
I’m sure many of the readers of NEI Nuclear Notes already know what I’m going to discuss just by reading the title of this post. For those w...
I'm going on vacation next week, so this will be my last post for about 10 days. I'm headed for North Carolina with my golf clubs. ...
Off the wire from Progress Energy : Progress Energy Florida (PEF) has asked state regulators to approve increasing the output of the utility...
We Support Lee took a look at some of the recent anti-nuke activity around Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant , and came back less than imp...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices were again decreasing throughout the country last w...
The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) adopted a resolution in support of nuclear energy at its annual international co...
On the latest edition of E&E TV's On Point , CASEnergy Coaltion co-Chair Christie Todd Whitman talks with Mary O'Driscoll abou...
If I had to come up with a short list of pro-nuclear blogs, I'm pretty sure TreeHugger wouldn't make the list. In general, I think...
Over and over again, we've heard nuclear critics say that any company that announced plans for new nuclear build would get clobbered by ...
With massive Asian economies needing ever larger supplies of energy, Australia is getting ready to export more uranium . I know I've men...
Keep passing along the same bad research over and over again -- say about uranium reserves -- and eventually somebody is going to figure it...
Detail from a Generation IV reactor . Popular Mechanics -- which is rapidly proving to be a reliable source on technology issues in a world...
Roger Pielke, Jr. has read Al Gore's latest speech on climate change , and thinks he knows why the former Vice President continually do...
In response to the UCS report on reactor safety, A Musing Environment takes a closer look at what's really been happening when it comes...
The next time somebody tells you that we can replace nuclear energy with renewables, you might want to pass along this article from Energy P...
Joseph Somsel from takes a look at the problem of public perception when it comes to nuclear safety over at Energy Pulse . An interesting ...
Details from the New York Times . Click here for more from the Nuclear Threat Initiative . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power...