Now we hear the news today through Platts that the PSC hired a consultant yesterday to develop guidelines to help the Commission evaluate proposals to build new nuclear power plants. The consultant is Dr. David Dismukes (more here), assistant director of the Center for Energy Studies at LSU. For a selection of quotes from Dr. Dismukes, click here.The Louisiana Public Service Commission wants to go nuclear to fight rising electric bills.
Four of the five commissioners who regulate electric rates in Louisiana said they want some utility to build a new nuclear plant in Louisiana in the near future.
Commissioner Jay Blossman of Mandeville is going further and wants the commission to show privately owned utilities -- in advance -- how they can recoup their investments. In the past, such repayment blueprints came upon completion of construction, when the bills were paid.
"If we're not proactive in trying to get a new nuclear plant, we'll not get one," Blossman said. "It's the cheapest power we've got available to us."
Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Power, Electricity, Environment, Energy, Politics, Technology, Economics, Louisiana, David Dismukes
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